Who we are

Pushpa Prasad

Pushpa Prasad


Pushpa, founded the Multicultural Council of Rangitīkei/Whanganui with her husband Vijeshwar and two daughters 28 years ago.

When they Migrated to New Zealand in 1989, they didn’t get much help to integrate into the community and they were especially worried about their two girls finding other Fijian Indian children to associate with and retaining their Hindi language and culture. Two years later, they moved to Whanganui from Levin, where they started an Indian cultural group to meet the need of themselves and others. Later it morphed into an organisation for all ethnic communities and changed its name to the Multicultural Council of Rangitīkei/Whanganui and joined National Federation of Multicultural Council 2003. For almost 20 years she worked for an organisation helping ‘second chance learners’ find work or pursue further education, she then retired a few years ago to give her ‘all’ to the council.

She continues to teach English and gives driving lessons to people on work permits or temporary visas who can’t get help from other organisations. She’s a good listener, provides help to ethnic and migrant families, and is available to counsel people and advocate for them.

Vijeshwar Prasad

Vijeshwar Prasad


Vijeshwar founded the Multicultural Council of Rangitīkei/Whanganui with his wife Pushpa 20 years ago.

When they came to Whanganui in 1989 they didn’t get much help to integrate into the community. They were especially worried about their two girls finding other Fijian Indian children to associate with, and retaining their Hindi language. They started an Indian cultural group to meet the need of themselves and others.Later it morphed into an organisation for all ethnic communities, and changed its name to the Multicultural Council of Rangitīkei/Whanganui.

Teena Lawrence

Teena Lawrence

VICE PRESIDENT, previously Treasurer & Secretary

I have been an active member of the Multicultural Council for many years volunteering at events, facilitating workshops, providing admin support and also sit on the Welcoming Communities Advisory group for Whanganui and Rangitikei.
I am also a member of the local Cook Islands Community and past Secretary.

I have lived in Whanganui since 2006. I have 5 children, two still at home, and 4 grandchildren. I’ve hosted international students for approximately 5 years. Both my mother in laws are Migrants,  my grandfather and two great grandfather’s. I hail from the ancestor Hinengakau. My marae is  Ngapuwaiwaha located in Taumarunui.  I’m a real fruit salad, but I identify as Maori. I love food and cooking.

I have completed Governance training with MFNZ, and also Ministry for Pacific Peoples.

Tamia Hurtado

Tamia Hurtado


Born in the Central Highlands of Peru, I moved to New Zealand in 1996 with my 4 brothers and sisters. I attended Westmere School, and then Whanganui High School and finally Massey University. I left Whanganui for a number of years to study and travel overseas where I worked as a freelance photographer and graphic designer. I made my way back to Whanganui where I now live with my family.

I love going to the beach, hiking, gardening and food!

With a background in marketing, I joined the Multicultural Council this year as their new Coordinator and am enjoying getting to know the community through different gatherings and events.

You will usually see me with my daughter Leila who is 1 year old and likes going everywhere with mum.

Diana Liu

Diana Liu


Diana migrated to NZ in 2015 as a refugee. Being lucky enough to be able to live in a free country, and to be so welcomed and supported by the local community, she is eager to contribute as much as she can to make her new home, Whanganui and NZ, a better place.

Diana has worked with MCRW as an active volunteer for nearly 4 years and is the secretary for the second year. With the experience and background of management, training, and teaching, she also established the Aotearoa Chinese Culture Club, and started the annual traditional culture spectacular of Celebrate Spring in the Auckland Botanic Gardens in 2017, and has been one of the organizers of Zhen Shan Ren Global Art Exhibition for years. 

Seeking the improvement of human right conditions in China, Diana also started the Films and Arts of Courage, which organizes documentary screenings and art exhibitions.

Realizing how much kiwis like Chinese food and the profound culture, Diana started to teach people cooking. Her dumpling lessons have trained more than 100 local people! You are welcome to check her fb page or Diana’s Kitchen and give a go!

Diana feels so much appreciation for the support from MCRW to thrive in her new country, she cherishes the opportunity of giving back and giving more. Making MCRW a better and stronger organization that can connect and help more New Zealanders has become one of her missions in Aotearoa.

Azian Zulkifli

Azian Zulkifli


Azian was born in Malaysia and grew up in Switzerland. She moved to New Zealand
in 2004 and has lived in Whanganui since 2010.
She’s a mother of 3, co-founder of the Whanganui charity Unity Food and works as a
hypnotherapist & lifecoach.
Azian is proud to represent the Whanganui Multicultural Council, being multicultural
herself and having immigrated to New Zealand, she can relate to the challenges of
settling in another country.

Azian is passionate about making a positive difference in the community, through the
charity providing free food and a safe space to hundreds of people every month.
The Unity Food team does the cooking for the Multicultural events, as food is always
a way of bringing people together.

Personally Azian loves to work with youth, helping them deal with emotional issues
and teaching them about self care and how powerful the mind is. She’s working on a
Confidence Program for rangatahi and has developed a health and wellbeing
program for women.

Contact Details

Phone: 06 343 1031
Mobile: 0210 254 0709
Email: info@wanganuimulticultural.co.nz